I am an art photographer and I explore long exposure night photography with light patterns. The passion for this type of photography developed out of a love for visual art and the night time lifestyle. On one of my shoots I came up with the idea of depicting light energy streams around a person, as if it were something we feel but can’t see. I wanted to portray the artist’s inspiration, which comes to him while creating, her muse. That’s how I met the artist Lida Zheleznyak, known as LiandeArt. I photographed her in the studio where she paints. You can also see her white cats in some of the photos from the series. I wanted to create as authentic an atmosphere as possible. The artist is dressed in the clothes she wears when she paints and the studio has a working look. For the light drawings I made a special construction that was attached to her hand. The construction consisted of a wire and a torch. New Year tinsel was wound on the wire, which gave beautiful multi-coloured highlights and turned the picture into a magical one.

These pictures were taken in the library of the town where I live. This place often hosts dance events in the spirit of the year one thousand eight hundred. An era when women wear beautiful ball dresses, when they danced to orchestral music, which is now considered classical. I have tried to capture the mood of that time and that place.

Light Sculptures One
The human form attracts the most attention in any images, this is shaped by evolution. It was important for us to recognize another person anywhere in order to decide whether they were friend or foe. This gave rise to the phenomenon of pareidolia, a type of visual illusion, recognizing familiar images when looking at randomly formed images. I was inspired to create the series by the world’s most expensive photograph, Peter Lik’s “Phantom”, where chance played a role and a human-like image emerged from a column of dust and light. In my series of Light Sculptures I explore the facet of our visual perception where we can either feel nothing or see human characteristics in random light strokes and endow them with soul, history and character. The series of light sculptures are made in the author’s long exposure light painting technique, which I invented in 2020.
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